Thursday, April 30, 2009

W. E .M . L

What ever major looser

......I learn somtehing today....blame no body....just blame my self..... just put the point on me....
...not to anybdy.... stupidos i am...
...dunno wat to do in dis situation... just...
...da love...
...da heart...
...myself... words... soul... just belong to her...
...after ALLAH n My Famly...

p/s : tatau nk post ape dah..mungkin ini yg dapat aku gambarkan diri aku buat sementara nie...heheh...WEML to aku amek dri sorang budak...i mean remaja...

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  1. ermm gua dah solat la bro_aloy..huhuu
    xpe nt kite solat jumaat sme2 kat klang ..heheh eh uitm silap..

    aik???syawalina iftie kan...pendek jek komen ...jkekeke

  2. pertengahan bulan 7, insyaallah Paradoks akan buat event... tema "Dunia Gelap".....
    Bertempat di Laman Budaya Shah Alam... harap lu sudi memberi sokongan lagi..
    ajak geng lu beb,,,,

  3. insyaallah...gua rase gua bleh join..hehehe

  4. everybody has their own interpretation of their own lives...gud that u have 1...terbaiiik...

  5. weyh bro...aku ni bru dlm memblogging nih...layout aku hambar rrr...ko bg r link kat aku nk cari template cool skit...haha

  6. hohoh
    thanks bro cewlus...

    weh ni bukn layout pon , bground jek...ko msukkan url kt dlm html ..

    ala senang ko taip je blogger tips/trick/tutorial kat google/yahoo ke...senang jek..aku nye ni basic jew..

  7. heheh..bukan beremo la..aku saje je nktest masuk2 entry jiwang2..hehehe

    best takaku..hehe


cakap jek..
