Saturday, June 13, 2009

Award #1..tatau apa dia...

Syah(sembang sebentar bersama aku) telah memilih gua utk dpt award ni... sungguh terharu sekali walaupun gua tatau apa benda award2 ni..Award Oscar gua tau la.. heheheh.. sebelum tu ada task..

Task 1:
Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.

Gua dah buat beb..!!!

Task 2: Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. ...hahahahaha...tapi gua jahat..gua nak award je..gua tamau task2 tu..hahahaha.....jaht tak gua?? ...senang2 sape2 nak award ni amek je la..gua tak kesah..ngeh3...selamat beraward beb...thanks yang bagi award...gua tatau apa maknanya..hahahaha...halimatun....
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  1. xnk ah qaward ni..x lawa..

  2. gua pon amek je org bagi bro..ngeh3..tau la AGH lu lagi lawa..

  3. kau memang jahat!!!!!!....hehehe...

  4. wanna
    lu nak duit lu jual DSLR lu tu kat gua..ngeh3...gua amek rm 3 je ok???

    gua memang jahat..hati2..ngeh3..


cakap jek..
